Prof. Sherin Sam Jose addressed the faculty team

7 April

Prof. Sherin Sam Jose addressed the faculty team

Today Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology, Kuttichal, Trivandrum had a great event. A Turning Point event it was, as Prof. Sherin Sam Jose addressed the faculty team. His career life as faculty member of Amal Jyothi College of Engineering is a remarkable proof that if you commit yourself to the profession sincerely, wholeheartedly, you will be rewarded multi fold in unexpected channels and aspects of life. As a young teacher at Amal Jyothi he committed himself to create a mark in the history of the institution and he has done it already. From a department library with books worth Rs.7000 in his first year he has achieved acquiring Rs.20 crore funding for the institution. It didn’t happen overnight. He consistently raised his bars own bars of performance. From Rs.7000 worth books library he raised it to a library with Rs.1 lakh worth of books. After struggling for three years drafting a proposal he submitted a prposal to get Entrepreneurship Development Centre worth Rs.24 lakhs. Then he prepared a project proposal for Rs.47 lakhs funding from DST. He had to spend a full day at Technopark, Trivandrum just to make it impressive to the panel, though the preparation of the basic PowerPoint was over a week of burning midnight oil. From there he grew to proposals worth crores. Today he is not only HOD of Mechanical Department at Amal Jyothi, he is also the CEO of the Startup Valley there. He has 5 skill development centers attached to his department. He has brought in more than Rs.20 crores funding to the institution. In this amazing growth journey he has touched the lives of many students by injecting entrepreneurial spirit and innovation thirst in them. He has planted million dollar dreams in his students. Every teacher can learn from this great teacher, who remembers his grandmother’s words, we must do the best for the church, which he extends to his workplace. A full day of speaking about his willingness to carry other institutions forward in their Entrepreneurship journey didn’t get interrupted by time or energy. Even the audience were eager to listen and learn more when it was time to close. Every teacher can create great history like Prof. Sherin Sam Jose.